How to raise a ticket into our IT-helpdesk Portal

How to raise a ticket into our IT-helpdesk Portal

In this article, we will see how to raise a help ticket from the IT-helpdesk portal.

Helpdesk link:

Step: 1

Go to our helpdesk portal where you will see Submit a ticket option.

Note: Before raising a ticket always search for a related article on our knowledgebase to get it solved on your own.

Step: 2

Now select the issue type that you have.

Note: always select the right type of issue to get it solved by the best team member.

Step: 3

Now you have to fill out the form with valid details & submit the ticket. You will get an email notification for all the activities.

* are the mandatory fields

Screenshot of sample email ticket:

You can also reply to this ticket by clicking on the ticket reply link in the email:

You will see a ticket reply box. 


For more, you can watch this video.


Details video:


Article author: Sudip Batabyal

Article Details

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Date added:
29/12/2022 16:28:24
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