Tally Data Import Manual Process from HIS to Tally

How to import HIS data into the tally company.

In this article, we will see how to import data in tally from HIS.


Please follow this article.


Step: 2

Open browser (firefox is recommended browser for this work)

Then open this URL:http://localhost:803/GS_TallyDataInsertion.aspx#

Select the date from & to >>>select company>>> Type & search it by clicking the

search button


You will see all the selected data as per your data type.

Click on the export data to XML link.


 The XML file will be created on E:\tallyprime\ExportToXMLData.

XML File Path

Open Company in Tally>> Click on Import Button>> Transaction


Select the XML file -- Data Will Import

XML file


If showing any error check the error log file >> Help>> Troubleshooting>> Event Log

Create the ledger and do the same 4-5 steps again. the error will be resolved.

Help for error log


For any other error or issue contact Helpdesk via E-Ticket. https://help.sonihospitals.net