Multiple due deposits via Excel

OPD & IPD Multiple due deposits via Excel

In this article, we will see how we can simplify our TPA and other due deposit via a single Excel file.


First, you need to log in to our HIS (Hospital information system), to login into HIS you need to follow this article.

Previously we follow the below article steps to deposit multiple payments in our HIS.

Now we are going to the steps easier with a simple Excel format.


Click on the IPD module & select the Multiple Due deposit(excel) options from the activity section.


After that you need to fetch the Multiple deposit format from the server data folder & for that, you need to press the Windows key + R from your keyboard & you will get a small box called RUN.

On that RUN box, you need to enter this path & then click OK. You will see an Excel file where you need to open that file & get payment data into that Excel according to that format.


Excel format will look like this.


Balamt= balance amount or Bill amount of that patient.

Depamt= Deposit amount of that particular bill or Received amount of that bill.

Disamt= Deduction of any if happened on that bill.

TdsAmt= TDS deduction of that bill.

writeoff= Any write-off you want to add.


After preparing the Excel format from that link you need to open the Multiple due deposits (excel) screens & click on the Get from Excel button on the left-hand TOP.

You will see your Excel data here, please verify the data properly.


Now you need to click on the payment mode you want to select, In the TPA case most of the payment type is NEFT or Cheque.

When you click on the NEFT radio button you will see a small screen in front of you where you need to fill up every data very accurately & then click on the OK button.

Now finally you are ready to submit your payment data to the HIS.

Note: Before hitting the OK button at the end please make sure all the data is correct & accurate.

Training video link:



Still, if you have any issues you can raise a ticket for support to the IT department.

For how to raise a helpdesk ticket you can follow this article:

How to raise a ticket from the IT-Helpdesk portal



Article author: Sudip Batabyal