TPA Multidue Deposite - TPA Bill Settelement

How to do Multidue Deposite in HIS

To log into the HIS please follow this article:

For TPA bill settlement please follow the bellow process.

Step: 1

First, you need to login into our HIS (hospital information system) with your user Id & password.

HIS link:

HIS login page

First need to go to IPD module >> Activity >> TPA Payment Received

TPA Payment Received

Step: 2

Now Select Patient Category >> Put Ref. Number of Payment >>

Payment Received  --   Total TDS -- Other Deduction -- Credit on -- Pay mode by Cheque or NEFT >> Save



Fill Payment Details

Data Will Be Show in Screen .


Step: 3

Now Open Multidue Deposite Screen

Activity Multidue Deposite.

Step: 4

Select Category >> Ref Number >> Date from - Date to >> Data Will be show on screen >> Put Payment Details Patient Wise >> Save >> Payment will settled.

Patient Wise Settel

Article Author - Birbal Sain