How to Bill Cancel Request and approved

How to Bill Cancel Request and approved

To log into the HIS please follow this article:

For Bill cancel request and approval please follow the bellow process.

Step: 1

First, you need to login into our HIS (hospital information system) with your user Id & password.

HIS link:


First need to go to OPD module >> Activity >> Bill Cum Receipt Cancel

Step: 2

Enter the Bill number for cancellation request. Click tab Button for showing details of bill. 

Enter the Remarks is Mandatory for reason of bill cancellation. then after click ok

Step: 3

After create bill Cancel request. Authorised person have access of bill cancellation request approval.

Step: 4

After Click on Approval of Bill Cum Receipt Cancel tab. Open a window click ==>> 

Note:- Approval of Bill Cum Receipt Cancel have only Authorised person.

Step: 5

Then After open pop-up tab. Enter the remarks mandatory