How to register patient in RIS (Radiology information system)

How to register patients in RIS (Radiology information system) or How to cust challan in RIS system.

In this article you will get to know how to register a patient in our RIS, In our RIS we are register a patient via the challan system (as the billing happend on Govt. billing system)


First, you need to login into our RIS system & for that please follow this article:

How to open RIS

Step: 2

In our RIS patients register from different software, so we cut challan against bills. Challan cut article is given below.

If you any issue please feel free to contact our IT department.

Ext. No. 111

Email ID: [email protected]

How to raise IT-Herlpticket. Please follow this article.


Article creator

Shyam Sharma